Fyrrapartin í dag læt Atlantic Fair dyrnar upp til Føroya størstu vinnu- og vøruframsýning. Komandi dagarnar fara sølufólk, keyparar og gestir at hittast og sýna fram á vinnustevnu í Klaksvík.
Vinnustevnan er sera væl umtókt millum fyritøkur og gestir, og í ár eru 192 fyritøkur úr 20 ymiskum londum, sum sýna fram, umframt at eini 5.000 gestir væntast at vitja í Klaksvík hesar dagarnar. Atlantic Fair mennist á hvørjum ári, og eitt sum er øðrvísi í ár, eru mongu áhugaverdu fyrilestrarnir, sum m.a. er seta sjóneyku á vinnu- og samfelagsmenning sum heild. Stevnan heldur fram til hósdagin.
Atlantic Fair stevnan sett
Kl. 10.00 týsmorgunin lótu dyrnar upp, og kl. 10.30 varð vinnu- og vørustevnan sett, har Jógvan Skorheim, borgarstjóri, bjóðaði vælkomin, og Aksel V. Johannesen, løgmaður, setti stevnuna.
Røðan sum Jógvan Skorheim helt týsdagin:
Dear exhibitors, dear guest!
Welcome to Klaksvík and to the Atlantic Fair 2019
I am truly pleased to welcome you all to Klaksvík for this year’s Atlantic Fair. Previous fairs have been very successful, and we expect nothing less from this year’s edition.
Surrounded by nothing but the North Atlantic Ocean, the Faroe Islands are, and have always been, closely related to the sea, both for better and for worse. The old Faroese saying: “the sea gave and the sea took” accurately explains the ocean’s impact on the Faroese way of life.
Klaksvík in particular is known as the fishery capital of the Faroes, being as it is a safe harbour for small and large vessels.
This label was established in the first half of the twentieth century as the growing fishing industry caused a great local population growth.
Much has changed since then. Breakthroughs, set-backs, ups and downs combined with the simple change of time has resulted in a widely expanded industry as we know it today. And fortunately, the people engaged have continued their roles as frontrunners, ensuring that local companies, both in terms of products, services, repairs and other branches, are at a competitive level nationally and internationally.
Innovative cooperation
As we prepare for yet another fair in our humble town, it seems appropriate to contemplate some of the ongoing projects in the area that are developing our society remarkably. Some of them are approaching the finishing line, such as our groundbreaking ocean thermal energy converter, which unites the historical Faroese relationship to the sea with a sustainable future.
Our long term goal with the converter is to provide energy replacing 5.000.000 liters of diesel fuel every year.
At the moment Bakkafrost is one of the largest salmon hatcheries in the world and is located in our Municipality, “á Strond”. This project is both large and innovative – combined making it quite impressive. Both projects mentioned are excellent examples of what can be achieved, when cooperation meets innovation and this is exactly what the Atlantic Fair is all about.
Innovative cooperation is also a key word in preparing the Atlantic Fair. Every time striving for an even greater result than the previous, our local authorities go together with the industry and local event managers, working with the fair organizers in order to give visitors and exhibitors the best possible outcome and experience.
Being as it is a fair focusing mainly on the sea and fishery, we certainly feel that the Atlantic Fair belongs right here in Klaksvík, and we are determined to live up to the great honour showed us by letting us host the 2019 Atlantic Fair.
So dear guests: Heartly welcome to Klaksvík. We hope you enjoy yourself.
Thank you!
Kelda: klaksvík.fo