This is what one of them told me about Sea Shepherd on my Facebook: You are very right! Don't let them put you down, you have all rights to be proud of your country. They should better think twice and look at themselves first ... We support you, not the losers from SS!
And they kept going: We have experience with SS, we were there last year during there campaign. We have opened our eyes and now we have switched sides a little. Because it's just wrong what they do and how they do it!
This was also said from a former Sea Shepherd supporter: We don't want to bring your culture down, we saw the pictures of those grinds who were tagged and that it was done with lots of respect for the animals. We are also aware of the fact that you are the only ones that do research to these animals. The Faroe Islands are our favorite place to be! Lovely and still pure nature with friendly people! So be proud of what you are, who you are and what you have!
And another said: Very good, my friend and stay proud of your country!
And clearly many Sea Shepherd supporters have lost their faith in Sea Shepherd - because they can't handle the truth and the truth is catching up with them. If you btw want to know more about whaling - please go to: www.whaling.fo - And if you want to know more about our beautiful islands - go to: www.visitfaroeislands.com
The truth is out there - just follow your heart and don't let the Sea Shepherd hate bring you down!
With love from Faroe Islands
JáH (y) 16.09.2015