Question 1:
Hi everyone,
Several of us were just sitting here in the Hostel’s community room and the T.V. is tuned to a local news channel - when a SSCS story airs. It was a volunteer-focused piece, highlighting one supporter from Australia. It seemed like a great, personal piece, but I was a little taken aback, because I knew nothing about it.
I was under the impression that media interviews are to be cleared by Scott, Lamya and the media team. If that’s not correct, please let me know. The only reason I ask is because it’s part of the media team’s job to be able to give everyone a heads-up about possible coverage and to follow up afterward. That’s a little tough to do if we’re not in the loop…
Thanks – I hope I can track this down so you can get a chance to see it.
Tambrey Laine (Onshore Media Coordinator/Operation GrindStop)
Response 1:
You are correct, Tambrey. No one is to be giving interviews without the campaign leaders' and media team’s approval. Do we know what team this volunteer is with so we can clarify policies directly with the team leader there?
Lisa Agabian (Director of Media Relations & Communications)
Sea Shepherd Conservation Society USA
Question 2:
I just asked around – apparently she is on the boat team and her name might be Crystal… Slim, red hair. She seemed very well-spoken and from what I saw, did a great job.
Tambrey Laine (Onshore Media Coordinator/Operation GrindStop)
Response 2: (now from Lamya Essemlali)
Krystal is in my team and I gave her approval to do this interview knowing that she was not to speak about or for sea shepherd but only about her own involvment and the reasons that motivated her to join. She is smart and I trust her to do this kind of interview.
Response 3:
Thanks, Lamya. When Tambrey said she was on the boat team, I figured you would know about it. Looking forward to seeing the piece. :)
Lisa Agabian
Aaaah - the relief when they did find out, that this was a girl - that Sea Shepherd could trust. The rest of the landcrew they surely could NOT trust ... so keep it up, SS - you doing one Hell of a job on the trust-part - hahahaha ..!
Jógvan á Høvdanum (junior) 10.10.2015