I wander Why do you keep spreading lies about Faroe Islands? Is it because you have a sincere hate against us? It must be clear to anyone with just a little bit of critical thinking, that You're NOT telling the truth about the whale killing. - and when we try to debate you - you only mock us.
Why do you leave out important facts when you talk of our whale killing? Facts like that our whale killing is sustainable that we only kill a about 800 a years of the millions of pilot whales - that swim in our ocean?! And the fact is - that they die very quickly (about 2 seconds) and thus do not have a long suffering !?
Our news portal www.nordportal.net have been writing some stuff about Sea Shepherd and it is in my belief - that the main reason why the Poul Watson crew keep coming back is to disturb us, is to make a huge profit out of selling the name: Sea Shepherd. We are a peaceful country with almost no murders. The air is very clean (maybe the cleanest in the world) and almost everybody is nice and people can feel safe in our unspoiled country.
We usually welcome everybody and we have no interest of harming anyone. The remarks you have in your Facebook site are terrible and manipulative and only ignorant peoples with no IQ would write all the crap that has been written there. It has come to my understanding, that Sea Shepherd has used about 3.000.000,00 Danish Kroners to spoil our good name. Everyone has a right to believe in a cause, but if you have to lie about it to get people to follow you, then your cause can not be very strong. A strong case still stands with the truth, but yours does not. Why don't you start telling some truth also and start cleaning up our good name?!? Or is it only in your interest to destroy Faroe Islands?!?
In fact, the way you behave, might actually provoke the Faroese people that otherwise would have stopped eating whale meat because of health reasons, to keep eating whale meat – pressure creates counter pressure. If you want to know more truth about Faroe Island - then visit the homepage: http://www.visitfaroeislands.com/
Kind regards
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