Klokkan nakað yvir 4 í morgun kom Klakkur til Føroyar, hann siglur nú aftur og fram í Kalsoyarfirði og í løtuni liggja teir sunnanfyri Borðoyanes nú klokkan er 06:11.
Væntandi bíðar at koma inn til Klaksvíkar til at fólk og tað almenna vaknar.
Klakkur er keyptir úr Norra og er tað línuskipi Geir II, her nakrir upplýsingar um Geir II ella núverandi Klakk.
“Geir II”, designated ST-155, is a Longliner built at Fiskerstrand Verft AS, Norway, yard no. 69 for owner H.P. Holmeset AS, Norway. It was delivered in 2010.
The vessel has diesel electric propulsion, both aft and forward. It is specially designed for lining through moonpool in centreline. This extend the time of fishing operations under severe weather conditions and with high maneuverability and station keeping capabilities.
Main Characteristics
Length over all 51.30 m
Length between p.p. 45.60 m
Breadth moulded 12.40 m
Depth to main deck 5.70 m / 5.82 m
Depth to shelter deck 8.30 m
Depth to forecastle deck 10.80 m
Max draft 5.37 m
Gross tonnage 1737 tons
Speed 13.7 knots
Accommodation 19 pers + hospital
IMO 9535383
Vit ynskja Klakk vælkomin til Føroyar og gleða okkum at taka ímóti, tá ið teir einaferð leggja at kaj.