ubultkvartett, mannað av sangarum úr Kórinum í Christianskirkjuni syngur. Eisini luttaka Laila Nielsen o.fl . á blokkfloytu og Diana Johannessen á tvørfloytu til ávikavist præludium og postludium saman við organistinum Jóhonnu Johannessen.
Aftaná gudstænastuna eru øll vælkomin til ein drekkamunn í kirkjukjallaranum.
On Thursday, 24th' of March at 8 pm we have a fasting service with the priest, Sverri Steinhólm. Double quartet with participants from the choir in the Christianschurch will sing. We also get music on flutes with Laila Nielsen and others, and Diana Johannessen - they will play prælude and postlude together with the organist, Johanna Johannessen. After the service, everyone is welcome to coffee and cakes in the church basement.