Og á hansara FB síðu - hótta fólk við at drepa okkum føroyingar, bert tí at vit veiða grind og hetta eru also fólk, sum vit als ikki kunna hava ein fornuftigan dialog saman við.
Soleiðis skrivar fleiri á hansara FB vanga, nú grind hevur verið í Hvannasundi:
Kill these killers, Discusting ! Sick monsters, I hate these people!, I hope someday these people get what they deserve. And it will be nothing good., disgusting dumb and stupid people!, boykott everywhere and the world has to see this !, Why in the world is that idiot, wearing a (Che) freedom fighter shirt and smiling? That's not normal behavior! If it was legal, I'd drown him in that blood filled water, after snapping bones!, Those fuckers. Let's round them up.., Napalm the goddamn beach., Inbred fuckers. Hope karma fucks them all up the shitter, These people need to be put down asap !!!, I hope they intend to consume the meat and die a painfully slow death from mercury poisoning., Send the army og fleiri fleiri aðrar hóttarnir, sum eg ikki eingong tími at viðmerkja.
JáH (y) 06.07.2016