Kórið hevur frá byrjan verið sera virkið, og stórur partur av sangarunum hava verið við frá byrjan, umframt nýggir sangarir nú eisini eru við í kórinum.
Í hesum sambandi verður 10-ára fagnaðarkonsert í Christianskirkjuni komandi sunnukvøld, 20.februar kl. 20.00. Skráin er fjølbroytt, alt frá a capella til meiri lívligar sangir við klaverfylgispæli og trompet, umframt einstakir fosturlandssangir eisini verða sungnir – skráin er samansett av kórsatsum, sum kórið hevur sungið frá byrjan og fram til í dag – .
Harafturat fer ein dupultkvartett, manna av sangarum úr kórinum at framføra tveir sangir.
Onkur felagssálmur verður eisini, og Øssur Kjølbro, prestur, hevur andakt.
Aftaná konsertina eru øll vælkomin til lagkøku og drekkamunn í kirkjukjallaranum.
On January 10 this year, the choir in the Christianschurch celebrated its 10th anniversary.
The choir has been very active from the beginning, and most of the choir members have been singing in the choir from the beginning, as well as new members have become part of the choir.
In connection with the 10th anniversary , there is a concert with the choir in the Christianschurch on Sunday, February 20 at 8 PM.
At the concert , the choir will sing hymns and church choruses, a capella and other songs supported by piano and trumpet, as well as some national songs – the repertoire is composed of songs that the choir has presented over the past 10 years – .
We also get the opportunity to hear a double quartet , which consists of members of the choir.
We will sing some common hymns, and the priest, Øssur Kjølbro, gives a short sermon.
After the concert, everyone is welcome for cake and coffee/tea in the church basement.