Tá pelatrekk verður tikið, skal skipið liggja beint uttan at brúka róðrið, so sleipibáturin ”Tjørnunes” er altíð við í hesi uppgávu.
Um tú vilt hava meir at vita um hetta, ert tú altíð vælkomin at seta teg í samband við okkum.
At KSS we have the equipment to conduct bollard pulls on ships. We have a Dynamometer that can go as high as 200 tonnes! The quayside at Norðhavnin is a good location for this, equipped with large bollards.
When the bollard pull is carried out, the vessel needs to lay straight without using the rudder, so the tugboat “Tjørnunes” is always a part of the task.
If you would like to know more about this, please do not hesitate to contact us.
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KSS - Klaksvíkar Sleipistøð