Jógvan á Høvdanum (yngri) sum dúgliga teknar myndir av Sea Shepherd og dagliga tekur dystin upp við teir - er nú eisini endaður á Facebook síðuni hjá Paul Watson sjálvum (har yvir 545 túsund fólk síggja teknirøðina) - har Paul hevur skrivað ummæli av teknirøðini her:
Yep, made it to the Faroese Funny Papers
By Captain Paul Watson
I am stoked. Someone sent me this amusing cartoon from a Faroese newspaper today.
I love satirical cartoons and it’s always quite a compliment to be featured in one. Politicians used to say, “see ya in the funny papers.”
I can forgive the cartoonist for not having enough culture to understand that Sylvie Gillem is one of the world’s most significant ballerinas and modern dancers however I understand that he may have to go with what he’s familiar with, like cheap topless bars in Copenhagen.
I can forgive him for not having enough geographical knowledge to realize that Lyon, France is not on the Riviera. I can forgive him for his ignorance in not understanding that the currency of France is the Euro not the U.S. Dollar.
What I can’t forgive him for is depicting me with some sort of laptop under the brand Fujitsu. WTF! Never heard of it. I have an Apple Mac, thank you very much.
What I am really curious about however is why he has it raining sperm in the Faroes. I assume it must be symbolic of the collective masturbatory circle jerks of the Faroese whalers as they collectively fantasize about Lagertha Lothbrok drenched in steaming bull blood.
Anyhow, it is all very flattering. As for that pile of dollars. It is not nearly enough to operate our ships on the high seas. Protecting life in the Ocean from the profits of exploitation is very expensive. That damn pile needs to be ten times higher.

Annars so kann sigast frá, at teknimyndirnar hjá Jógvani (yngra) eru sera populerar. Ovara teknirøð er deild yvir 200 ferðir og dáma yvir 84 ferðirnar og niðara er deild yvir 134 ferðirnar. Og so hava yvir 4.500 menniskjur sæð klippi á Youtube - har Jógvan (yngri) ger eitt sindur "grin" burturúr Sea Shepherd.
NP 01.07.2015