Eftirsum Paul Watson hevur givið mínari teknirøð eitt ummæli (sí tekning t.v.), so fari eg at geva konu hansara Yanu Rusinovich eitt ummæli eisini:
"Also - um eg skal vera heilt erligur, so haldi eg ikki ordiliga at handan teknirøðin hjá tær er nakað serliga fangandi, Yana. Tú manglar líkasum evnini at teknað - og humorurin er heldur ikki heilt til staðar.
Tú manglar eisini at finna tín heilt egna stíl og hetta er ikki nakað, sum ein bert fær forerandi frá nøkrum. Nei, tað krevst ein heilt serlig venjing til og kanska burdi tú byrja at lært teg at tekna - og hevur tú brúk fyri onkrum tips, so vælsignaða spyr onkran annan enn meg, tí eg havi slett ikki tíð at læra teg, tá ið eg (nærum) hvønn dag skal gera gjøldur burturúr manninum hjá tær."
Annars til tekningina hjá Rusinovich hevur Paul eisini eina frágreiðing, har hann sjálvur fortelur um Teknirøðs-kríggj fyri framman:

By Captain Paul Watson
My wonderful and lovely wife Yana thought it would be fun to respond to the Faroese cartoonist with her own cartoons.
The Faroese seem to want the world to think they need to kill pilot whales and dolphins to survive as they scrabble for a hard living on the remote hostile shores of a northern isolated wasteland where all they can manage to eat are sheep, puffins and dolphins.
“We need the meat,” is the usual defense.
Well aside from Burger King and City Burger, there is any kind of food you could desire including tropical fruits and fresh vegetables. You can buy pizza, steak, sushi, roast chicken, fish and chips in the restaurants. Wine, beer in the shops. Hell you can even buy foie gras if you’re into that sort of disgusting fare.
Ships come weekly loaded down with produce and foods from around the world.
The Faroese have bacon for breakfast, they eat at Burger King. They dine on pizza, Chinese food, Italian food, German food and yet they claim they need whale meat to survive despite the fact that whale meat is contaminated with high levels of methyl-mercury.
The Faroese enjoy one of the highest standards of living in the world. They have the highest per capita income in Europe and they receive millions every year from European Union subsidies as they ignore European laws prohibiting the slaughter of whales.
The pilot whales and dolphin slaughter is nothing more than a senseless, sadistic, unnecessary slaughter of defenseless cetaceans supported by Danish tax-payers.
They say it’s free meat but the money spent on fuel for the Danish Navy ships alone is more than the value of the meat. In this respect the Grind is nothing more than a glorified welfare system for people who don’t need hand-outs from the government but demand the hand-outs nonetheless.
Every citizen of Denmark is paying for this “free meat” and the Faroese think that\s pretty damn funny.
They say that pilot whales and dolphins have been killed for over a thousand years. Yet in the rest of the world such archaic and ecologically destructive traditions have long since been retired.
They say that Sea Shepherd lies when we say the killing is cruel yet in the last week our cameras captured the painful struggles of a pilot whale thrashing in horrific pain as its blood was splashed in the air in throes of panicked agony.
The slaughter of the dolphins and the pilot whales is an obscenity and a crime against humanity and nature yet they say God gave the whales to them to be killed and eaten, yet in the book they read in their churches it does not say that. What it does say in Leviticus is that eating whale is an abomination.
If the Faroese wish to come at us with cartoons, well, we will respond with cartoons.
Denmark has shown that cartoons are a powerful force and can be dangerous if not managed responsibly.
Will the cartoon wars escalate? Stay tuned for duelling paint brushes.
Ja, hetta ljóðar alt sera spennandi og má Paul Watson heldur gera seg til reiðar til eitt ordans kríggj og spíska sær pennin, tí eg gevist ikki við at teknað og kann roknast við, at eg tekni (í minsta lagi) eina Sea Shepherd teknirøð um dagin. "Yes, the cartoon wars is on. Bring it, Watson!!!"
JáH (y) 02.07.2015